Create what you truly want



You’re an ambitious entrepreneur. You're driven to make a difference. You’ve already achieved much in life.


And ...


You may be overworking and “feeling the heat”, or experiencing stress, overwhelm or burnt out. Your wellbeing or relationships may be suffering. You want your life and business to feel more joyful and fulfilling.


You may find you’re outgrowing the people around you and possibly feel lonely or “the most interesting person in the room”. You crave being around others who are on a similar page, or are where you want to be.


You may be surrounded by people who tell you what they think you want to hear, rather than truths you may need to hear. You want to be challenged because you want to grow and fulfil your potential.


You may want to increase your level of impact and income.


You may feel unfulfilled because you’re doing what others expect, what you want to want, or what you think you “should” be doing, and now you're ready to do what you truly want.


You may be getting in your own way, and want to transcend limitations and achieve a greater degree of personal freedom.


You may be wondering whats next for you, and seek clarity. Or perhaps you're finding it challenging to make a transition in life, and want to navigate it with grace.


You may be new to entrepreneurship and want support on your business building journey.


Or you may simply be ready to make changes or level-up in an area of your life.


If so, I can help 


When we work together I act as a trusted partner, someone in whom you can confide with confidence. I'll challenge your limiting beliefs, thinking and perspectives, I’ll be fearlessly honest, calling you out and speaking truth as I see it, and I’ll support and champion you all the way. All in the name of serving you powerfully, from a place of love.

My one-on-one work is not therapy, or counselling. My approach is a blend of powerful coaching conversations, and a wide range of philosophies, wisdom and modalities. And I go deep, because I'm committed to helping you step into new possibilities and create the life you want, in the most fun, efficient and effective way possible.

I only work with people who have a growth mindset, take personal responsibility, are willing to be honest, are open to being challenged, lean in when they struggle, and take action.


If you want to explore what's possible for you, let's chat

[email protected]



"I'm not the same person I was before hiring Laura. She's freakishly brilliant, and I don’t believe I've ever met anyone who knows as much about as many areas as she does. And it gets even better. Her level of commitment to her clients is unparalleled. She really cares"


"Laura is the guide my soul had been yearning for. Because she models so well what standing in your truth looks and feels like. I am in deep gratitude to have found her mentorship on my journey. She continually empowers me to peel back the layers of programming, embody my true essence, stand in my truth and most importantly to share the message only I can share. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without Laura"


"I am so grateful for the chance I had to grasp the hidden cost of stress in my life and more importantly learn the practical exercises to avoid serious illness resulting from it and trauma accumulated over time. Laura is charismatic, authentic, extremely knowledgeable and integral to her commitment to protect our sovereignty and freedom. Laura is a heart-led leader. I admire and cherish how she is helping people to be in alignment with our inner truth. Thank you Laura for your exceptional work as a coach!"


"After many years of self-guided learning towards being the most effective version of myself, this program has brought to awareness the now-past beliefs, habits and behaviours that were keeping me from expanding. Most importantly, I now possess the ability to fully focus on my most important work. I find myself falling into flow state often, working in a direction that is so captivating, it’s often effortless. I’m feeling more confident, focused, and peaceful than ever as I continually make progress and gain support for my first ever $10 million project." 


“Working with Laura has been truly transformational. She has helped me uncover what was keeping me stuck, gain clarity on what I really want and most importantly, take action towards it.  She’s a shining example of genuine authenticity, because she practices what she preaches. She’s truly an inspiration." 


"My favorite part about the program is the variety of perspectives on personal and spiritual development that make so much sense to me. I am relieved that I don't have to run my business in a certain way in order to be successful. I really appreciate the mix of the inner work and the practical implementation details and action steps. I have shifted into getting more comfortable with being an entrepeneur and adapting to the uncertainty.”


"Laura is the embodiment of walking the talk. She’s deeply rooted in the values and principles she advocates for, and applies and honors these in her day to day life. You need a genuine proponent for authenticity and sovereignty like her in your circle who’ll help you expand, and release limitations." 


"Laura is a fantastic coach. As a result of working with her I have more confidence and energy, and I now start each day with a spring in my step. Not only do I feel great, its also helped me to be more successful in my business"


"Laura walks the talk, and has a gift for listening and connecting. Being at a tough point the last few years following massive grief, health challenges that followed, and the current external stressors in the world I have been so grateful to have access to such a brilliant resource and support system. If you are looking to step into your own truth, ready to do the work and are committed to the process I am certain you can move mountains with her on your team." 


"Laura has the amazing ability to bring spiritual concepts into the realm of practical life.  She uses real life experiences, that we can relate to,  in a way that grounds and integrates the abstract. She has the beautiful skill of transmuting her rich life experience into nourishment for our hearts, minds and souls. I appreciate so much Laura's integrated perspective and rich wisdom. I am so grateful she is in the world at this time." 


“I feel blessed to have Laura by my side as a guiding light on this sovereign soul journey. Laura's emphasis on seeking truth, doing the inner work and aligning that with the mind-body gives her an awesome edge over many coaches. Her knowledge, wisdom and self trust is empowering, while her sense of humour helps me tremendously." 


"Living authentically from her heart while staying firmly grounded in truth and sovereignty, Laura has a special resonance to her. She has a natural gift for sharing her knowledge and helping others live authentically and free themselves”